Spindale Downtown Streetscape -- Phase1

The Town of Spindale along with local business owners and community stakeholders adopted the Spindale Streetscape Master Plan in 2018. The plan features new sidewalks, street trees, lighting, and improved connectivity to the Thermal Belt Rail Trail for both the east and west sections of downtown.

Project Status

The Phase 1 Streetscape project, which extends along Main Street from Nebraska to Reveley Street, is now complete. This area represents approximately 15% of the total streetscape project. Fundraising and grantmaking efforts for the next phase of this project will continue as the Town and community stakeholders work to further realize downtown revitalization efforts.

Opportunities for Giving

Completion of the entire Spindale streetscape plan will require multiple phases. Donations of all sizes are welcome and will help support the purchase of streetscape elements such as trees, benches, and lighting.

Major Funding to Date

  • Town of Spindale: $1,199,237
  • Rutherford County TDA: $150,000
  • RHI Legacy Foundation: $125,000
  • NC Main Street Grant: $20,000


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