The Symphony of Rutherford County is a multi-generational community orchestra with approximately 50 members. The orchestra presents two concerts annually for the general public and also conducts free concerts for Rutherford County Schools (RCS). The Symphony's future home and event space will be in a historic RCS facility in Rutherfordton which is being renovated to provide an inviting space for this dynamic musical ensemble.

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Project Status

Rutherford County is very fortunate to have this amazing cultural arts asset that not only serves 
to enhance the quality of  life of residents but also contributes to the local economy. Its mission is 
to serve the community through music and music education via two public concerts and an annual
free school concert. The school programs serves approximately 1500 students annually, and the 
public concerts serve approximately 1100 adults annually. 

The 2500 square foot RCS Band Building is now in the process of being renovated. Although the building 
is in excellent condition for its age, several updates will be required before the Symphony can move in.  
Interior demolition has begun and preliminary design and building code requirements have been confirmed. 
The facility will be updated with new HVAC units, ADA compliant restrooms and access doors, and 
commercial wheelchair ramps and landings for the upper and lower levels. Additional interior upgrades
 include lighting, railings, acoustic treatments, paint, carpeting, and tile floors. New signage and lighting 
upgrades are being planned for the exterior. 

The Rutherford Bound Tourism Advisory Committee has approved this project for funding during the
2024-2025 fiscal year. Investing in The Symphony of Rutherford County will help attract new visitors to
the County and provide tremendous benefits to the community.

The Rutherford County Symphony hopes to occupy its new home by July 2025.

Major Funding to Date

• Rutherford County TDA: $30,000
• Rutherford County Non-profit Grant: $15,000
• ARPA Grassroots Grant: $12,500


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